Saturday, October 4, 2008

NewLife Takes Down CPL Week 5!

Wine Night at the CPL is always interesting....and this sessions Wine Night did not disappoint!
With 10 CPL members tasting everything from Shiraz to White Zin, jazz and blues in the background, and some crazy sauerkraut pizza brought by Comeback Kid, and you have a CPL Poker week to remember!
First off...the evening was over quickly for the CPL Director with A-J off as he was COOLER'd by 'Matusow' who picked up a set of 6's on the flop (J-8-6) while Verbal hit top pair out of position.  After a big bet by Verbal was called by Matusow...the death Ace on the turn gave Verbal top two pair and pretty much sealed his fate as he went all in falling square into the trap set by Matusow.  Nice hand Jeff!
But the night belonged to NewLife who had Lady Luck on his side as the blinds started to increase.  This luck turned into amazing suck outs at the end of the evening (I think we counted 4) and it was a suck out that gave him the win over Nemesis as NewLife's 8-5 out drew Nemesis' A-10 by hitting a straight on the River....
This win by NewLife however does answer a long running question in the CPL.
How many suck outs does it take to win a CPL week? Apparently 4.
Congrats to NewLife for his win and taking over the lead on the CPL Leaderboard!
One final note...5 weeks into this session of the CPL and we've had 5 separate winners....only 15 points separate the top 7 CPL members....hmmmm...sounds like we've got another very competitive CPL Session!! 
CPL Leaderboard (unadjusted)
Greg 53.0
Phil 46.6
Mike Bowman 45.7
Bill 43.8
Malinda 42.2
Mike Behr 40.9
Jeff M 38.8
Vince 31.2
Voni 19.6
Mark 19.1
Chris 3.0
Shane 2.0
CPL Points Awarded for Week 5
Greg 24.1
Malinda 14.3
Bill 10.4
Voni 8.4
Mike Behr 7.1
Jeff M 1.0
Phil 1.0
Chris 1.0
Mike Bowman 1.0
Mark 1.0
Vince 0.0
Shane 0.0

CPL Director Mark Cardenas
CPL Co-Director Phil Fuehrer

Find the Podcast on ITunes: CPLDirectors Podcast


Anonymous said...

Since it was May when we last (and first) talked about "coolers" we thought it good to repost the definitive definition here:

Cooler - When a player who has an exceptionally strong hand loses a showdown after the following occurs:

1) The hand must progress to at least the turn before any all-ins (i.e. - no preflop or flop all-in is ever a cooler no matter who is pushing in the chips).

2) The person getting coolered must be actively working in order to get information on the hand and his/her opponent. This will mean that betting and/or raising/calling is occurring. Generally, there should be betting happening on most streets though it is possible for a round or two of check/check (though this would be rare and depending on the hands in play and when checked, the hand could move from "cooler" category to "badly played").

3) The person getting coolered must be behind, but fully (and pretty legitimately) believe he/she is ahead after 4th street even though that's not the case (i.e. - a river card that beats you is just a bad beat).

Anonymous said...

I realize it doesn't meet your definition, but I would argue that AA v. KK all-in pre-flop is THE classic cooler. what do you call that?

from wikipedia:

Cooler, a hand played from a cold deck in poker, but can also be used when a player with a very strong hand loses to one with an even stronger hand.

Anonymous said...

Good point/question/comment.

Actually, there are instances when A/A vs. K/K can be considered a cooler following our definition. But, I believe that you are referring to a preflop all-in between the two.

In our first iteration of the definition there was language allowing for very limited exceptions to the "no preflop or flop all-in" clause. However, in the interests of tightening up the definition we came to the determination that such a hand (and preflop it could even include Qs vs. Ks or As or maybe even Js vs a higher hand) is simply bad luck or bad timing and not the epitome of a cooler.