Monday, October 20, 2008

Michelle Bachmann Calls For McCarthy Style Investigations Into Un-American Views by Members of Congress

CPL Political Newsdesk Breaking News:
Minnesota 6th District Representative Michelle Bachmann goes over the deep end on MSNBC's Hardball on Friday 10-17-08 attacking Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and Liberals.  She then amazingly goes on to ask for the media to do an expose on members of Congress to determine which ones have 'Anti-American' views.
The CPL Headquarters which resides in Minnesota's 6th congressional district will not stand by and let this go....this is amazing footage....please check it out.
Then once you are done hit the link below for the Tinklenberg campaign and donate $5.00 to help the CPL Headquarters rid themselves of Bachmann.


Amazed at what you just heard from Michelle Bachmann?  Donate NOW to the Tinklenberg campaign! 

CPL Director Mark Cardenas


Anonymous said...

Anybody that doesn't see what a hateful nutbag this woman is shouldn't be allowed to vote. How is it possible that she is still leading in the polls as narrow as it may be after spewing such garbage as that. Are we as a state really that dumb? I think I'm preaching to the choir here but it still has to be said.

Anonymous said...

You fools need to stick to your limited poker knowledge and quit the political bullshit. You probably would have more tune in if you did.
The only thing she hates is the Liberal agenda. She will win again, but this time she will be Governor of the State.
Well most are that dumb in the state of MN, you voted in Obama like sheep.
All those "middle of the road voters" swayed by the Liberal media, are now learning the truth, and those votes WILL change in 2012. Why don't you invite me to play sometime?

-Al Franken