Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unabomber Scores 3rd Win During CPL Week 8!

Week 8 of the CPL was not scary because it was a few days before Halloween, or because of all of the great costumes that were worn (see pics below), it was scary because Mike "Unabomber" Bowman won yet another CPL week! This is Unabomber's 3rd win in 8 weeks and makes him a shoe in to break the all time scoring record in the CPL! Unabomber played his normal game of aggression and reckless abandon that has paid off time and time again. The great mask helped too!

Nick "Heads Up" Kamholz again made it to heads up play (his 3rd such feat in 8 weeks) and again Nick found himself ahead in chips going into the heads up play...and again Heads Up saw those chips end up in the hands of his opponent. Always the bridesmaid...never the bride. Heads Up has however clinched a seat in the TOC with his week 8 performance.

James Aguilar finishes in 3rd...another solid performance from James.
Wicked1 finished in 4th...a fine, fine showing for Wanda who is starting to gain footing in this CPL Fall Session.
Mike Behr in 5th...after taking beats by both Unabomber and James...I expect Blind Me Down smashed some pumpkins when he got home.
Voni in 6th...happy to get points...unhappy to lose so many chips to Unabomber.
Bill in 7th...not sure what it is with Comeback Kid and the point bubble these days....

It was a great week and super fun with the costumes!

CPL Leaderboard-Adjusted

CPL Points awarded during Week 8

CPL Halloween Night!!

Your host and dealer for the evening...Dracula!!

Wicked1 and Heads Up deep in thought....

Kelli G (as an old time golfer) and Blind me Down (as a pumpkin)...great costumes!

Roman Mark Wittig relaxes with Newlife after getting knocked out early...
Unabomber giggles maniacally to Verbal...

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