Monday, June 29, 2009

BREAKING NEWS - OPR/FullTilt near agreement, oh, and tonight's CPL Monday Madness Password

Official Poker Rankings (OPR) has published this statement today on their website:

June 29, 2009: We are currently communicating with FTP to find a solution. We expect that we will be able to reinstate FTP within a few days. Thank you for your continued support.

This appears to be following the same general track that OPR needed to take with PokerStars in April. While OPR makes that agreement seem to be somewhat tenuous in nature let's hope they reach a more conclusive and long lasting accord with FullTilt.

And, don't forget that tonight is CPL Monday Madness!!! Everyone is welcome to play. The $50,000 HORSE Championship is underway at the WSOP, but we can almost guarantee that the best online HORSE players will be sitting in our game tonight.

When: 8:30 pm Central time, Monday - June 29
Where: FullTilt - private tourney tab
Password: As always - CPL

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