Friday, September 12, 2008

CPL Science Segment: What Makes Up A Great Poker Player?

As discussed on this week's podcast, below are the 10 attributes of a great poker player.
We've also listed the CPL Director's opinion on how important each attribute is to make up the 100% great poker player. While it took a little time for the Directors to come to agreement it was pretty clear they felt aggression and math aptitude led the way. The categories are pretty self-explanatory but, so we're all on the same page, here are the definitions:

Adaptablitiy - the ability to change up your game and/or comprehend what your opponent is doing and accordingly respond

Aggression - the "balls" to put out a bet and control the action

Attentiveness/Focus - paying attention (for long periods of time) to what's going on

Courage - the "balls" to call (when needed) or make the naked bluff (when needed)

Game Knowledge - remember this is for No Limit Hold em

Instinct/Intuition - making reads, feeling it, knowing it

Luck - that cosmic/karmic quality that some people just seem to have (or lack)

Math Aptitude - in general, "smarts", but here mostly for math

Patience - ability to wait for a hand or your time to make a move

Temperament - the no tilt factor

Post your comments on what attributes you feel should have a bigger percentage than what we have listed!

Game Knowledge14.0
Math Aptitude18.0

CPL Director Mark Cardenas
CPL Co-Director Phil Fuehrer

Find the Podcast on ITunes: CPLDirectors Podcast


Anonymous said...

I'm going to try and get the discussion going here. I read this last night but hadn't listened to the podcast until this afternoon and thought it would be wise to wait and hear the reasoning behind some of these percentages before posting. By the way, thanks for the little dig on my playing style in the podcast Mark. Didn't go unnoticed.

I think a lot of these percentages have merit, although I find fault in 2 of them. The percentages for Aggression and Patience. These 2 along with math are in my opinion the 3 most important factors of a great poker player and the percentages should be spread almost evenly amongst them. Giving Patience an 8 is greatly overlooking 1 of the most important aspects of the game. I see too often with most players getting impatient and making a play because they think they have to. Costing them valuable chips and even the game in many situations. Look at Bill for instance in the last game. His aggression at the end cost him making it into the points. Jeffs aggression cost him making it into the money. Vonis aggression with AK cost her almost her entire stack and in my opinion possibly the win even though it was aggression that got her to where she was. Phil used it in his favor and it worked but he also employed patience at the end to secure his win. These 2 attributes make up most of the game. When to use both of them at the right times and using your math skills in between to make the right choices.

There have been more cases than I can explain where patience has brought me back from behind to finish in the money or take the out right win.

So again, in my opinion, I would put the percentage even with aggression if not a hair more but certainly in no way less then half as important. An attribute which you guys far over looked.

Now then, let the "Blind Me Down" bashing begin.

-Blind Me Down

Anonymous said...

Oh.. Where we supposed to take this pole seriously? I thought the percentages where intentionally contentious - and I left it alone - so I wouldn't blow a gasket. If "luck" isn't at least 80%, there's something wrong here. Come on BMD... Aggression may have cost me points last week -but I think I made the right play. I get A9 on the button; it folds to me - so I have protection and will likely have one player to beat; I have my best chance to get back in the tournament. Fold here? No way. I have 3 BBs and Greg in the BB has to call with anything. I get the rest of my chips in with the best hand and lose. I think in every single week where someone has won the week - that person has been able to dodge bullets - and YES - get some luck. That's poker.

Card Dead Kid

Anonymous said...

Card dead kid-I think in almost any other situation you made the right play there with A 9. Of course Greg has to call that and you're more than likely going to have the best going in. But you're also likely looking at Mark going out in another 4 hands. The way the CPL is structured, points become more important than getting back in the tournament. And that isn't to say that you couldn't have picked up a better hand than A 9 off suit in that current orbit. You were placing yourself in a coin flip situation with a slight lead over any 2 cards and putting your chances of getting any points into the hands of luck. Which according to these two mathematicians here is only good for 2 percent. (and we all know it plays a little more of a factor than that.) Although to be fair to Mark and Phil I think what they were getting at is that "luck" doesn't make up a great poker player. All in all Bill, I still think you made a poor decision with the A 9 and aggression cost you valuable chips come the TOC.

-Blind Me Down