Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Minnesota State Poker Tour - John Dragich wins Inaugural Event

St. Cloud resident John Dragich, 20, beat a field of 130+ Monday night to win the inaugural event of the Minnesota State Poker tour held at Canterbury Park in Skakopee, MN.

According to MN Poker Magazine, heads up lasted all of one hand. Dragich picked up pocket As to Chase Wood's K/2.  Chase, also 20 years old, who was 3rd in chip count with 18 remaining hit a K high flop.  All the money got into the center and Dragich's aces held on to win. Dragich wins $34,765 and a custom diamond bracelet for his efforts.  Woods picks up $19,866.

Tour co-founder Bryan Mileski, who was chip leader with 18 remaining, busted out in 7th.  The tour picks up again at Grand Casino Mille Lacs in February with a Running Aces stop in April.

Congratulations to Dragich and all the final tablists.

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angel said...
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