Monday, March 23, 2009

BREAKING NEWS - Erik Seidel 'bout broke, working the grill up soon

Karaoke Phil sat down at the $8/$16 Stud8 tables tonight and saw the following exchange* take place before he took a seat:

KidCardfish inquired of Erik Seidel: "r you playing this limit to get practice in"

To which poker pro Seidel responded: "well this is it, if i don't win tonight I'm off to work at KFC"

Likely, Erik was kidding, but......

** Update 3/31 - Here's the screen shot:As an aside: Karaoke played about 20 hands at the table with Eirk (after 7 or 8 hands Karina Jett also joined the table) and Seidel was up a little more than $100 during that time.


Anonymous said...

The above blog doesn't mention how our very own Karaoke Phil did against the likes of Erik and the lady Jett. Did you manage to squeak out a profit in those 20 hands and did you get any big hands against either of them?

Anonymous said...

I had a second best hand against Erik for a nice $40 or so dollar loss - I never really bumped up against Karina and left the table up about $13.50.