Sunday, June 21, 2009

Official Poker Rankings frozen out by FullTilt

FullTilt, in their obviously less than infinite wisdom, has demanded of (OPR) that they (OPR) NOT report tourney results on OPR's web site (i.e. - banning Official Poker Rankings). What a crock. Read the CPL's letter to FullTilt -


C'mon. Really? Banning OfficialPokerRankings because it provides an "unfair advantage"? Reasons why that's asinine:

1) Anyone can request to NOT have their information revealed (if you believe you're at some sort of disadvantage - take your own info off the listings)
2) It's free and open to anyone to use - if you and I both have an "advantage" then neither of us has an "advantage" (though we dispute that there really is any advantage to be had, because...)
3) It doesn't really tell you much (if anything) that you can use against another player. No hand histories, no % of times betting, folding, re-raising, hands played, VPIP, etc. No cash game history. No idea of whether you're a tight/aggressive, loose/passive, etc. player. Only results are shown. Over the long haul, they can ONLY tell you that whatever this guy does works well or doesn't work so well.
4) FullTilt - you provide YOUR OWN leader board information including nicely customizable leader board filtering - where's the big difference??

Reasons to allow OPR rankings to stay up:

1) For lower stakes players it IS truly important to watch your own stats move up the "rankings". OPR isn't used to "scout" other players, but to monitor your own progress (based on OPR's definition of progress).

2) When it comes to those other players - the ones most of us look at are our friends and acquaintances. Why? To monitor their hoped for progress and movement up the rankings. It's community, boys. One of the reasons you have your own FullTilt Forums. And, surprise, the forums aren't the only way to build community - many of us track friends on OPR.

3) Collusion Control - While we haven't used it for this purpose ourselves - we can certainly see where it could be useful to look at various in-the-money results to see if players "Ima Colludin" and "WithMe" seem to be working together in various tournies.
We strongly urge you to reconsider your directives towards OPR and allow them to operate as they were.

Deeply Disappointed,
CPL Poker Blog and Podcast


Blind Me Down said...

I noticed this shortly after it went into affect and sent a letter to Full Tilt voicing my disappointment as well as sending a letter to OPR with some suggestions on how to possibly remedy the situation. I encourage anyone else who utilizes this very important tool (OPR) to please do the same and send in your own email to Full Tilt. The more emails they get the more likely something will be done.

I have already received an email back from OPR that stated they believe a resolution with Full Tilt is possible.

If this goes unchanged I believe we will lose an incredibly valuable tool for the improvement of our own games.

Allvira said...

That's possible?? I am quite agree with the previous commenter.
Anyways.. Gud luck
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